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This database contains personal data on the higher officials of the state and court authorities of the Electorate of Hanover during the first decades of the personal union with the Kingdom of Great Britain, which lasted from 1714 to 1837. In total, 420 datasets are included.
The database is based on the prosopographic data collected by Joachim Lampe of officials and functionaries in the Electorate of Hanover during the reign of George I (Elector 1698, King 1714–1727) and George II (Elector and King 1727–1760).
In his compilation, Lampe concentrated on the representatives of the "three states of nobility: the ruling aristocracy, the court nobility and the state patriciate" (Lampe, vol. 1, p. IX). For his lists of civil servants, in addition to state calendars and chamber accounts, he evaluated self-testimonies, official files, family histories and funeral sermons kept in Lower Saxony archives and libraries (Lampe, vol. 2, p. 491 and pp. 543–553). Apart from the lists of functionaries in the electoral administration and at the Hanoverian court, he drew up extensive lineages; because of the often incomplete information these data have not been included in this database.
The entries can be full-text searched for names, (life) data, offices, colleges and functions. Information on genealogical aspects or supplementary (noble) titles were retrieved from Lampe’s original lists. The database is aimed at an extension and, if necessary, completion of the data records. As a rule, the individual personal data records are linked to the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library (GND) and other authority files, which facilitates research within the specific group of officials and functionaries of the Electorate of Hanover in the first half of the 18th century.
The database is associated with the project "Cataloguing the Archive of the SUB Göttingen, 1734–1812", which is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture’s program "Pro*Niedersachsen – Cultural Heritage – Collections and Objects".
Questions concerning the content of the database are answered by Steffen Hölscher (hoelscher@sub.uni-goettingen.de); for any technical problems please contact the Metadata dept. (met-support@sub.uni-goettingen.de).